194 Results for:

October 19, 2010

Security Alliances
Can NATO Nudge Russia Westward?

The French-Russian-German summit in Deauville this week sought to bring Russia closer to the West. Russia accepted an invitation to next month’s NATO summit, but CFR’s Charles Kupchan says Moscow que…

May 12, 2008

Capital Flows
Sovereign Economic Development Funds ….

Sovereign funds argue that they are only interested in financial returns. And to be sure, they do care about financial returns. Losing money generally isn’t good for a sovereign fund’s long-term h…

October 2, 2003

Asmus: U.S.-NATO Gap Over Iraq Narrows Slightly

Ronald D. Asmus, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for European affairs in the Clinton administration and an expert on NATO, says that an “important first step” toward healing t…

August 13, 2012

What’s at Stake in Putin’s Culture War

The trial of a punk band in Russia reflects the Putin regime’s hard-line opinions on political dissent, and those views are shaping its foreign policy, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.

September 29, 2005

Elections and Voting
Kupchan: Impasse in German Politics Reflects ‘Political Crisis’ Paralyzing Europe

Charles A. Kupchan, the Council’s director of European Studies, says the current political impasse in Germany between the Social Democrats and the Christian Democrats over who should head the next go…