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June 14, 2021

United States
Happy Birthday to the U.S. Army!

The United States Army celebrates its 246th birthday today. If you see an active duty, former, or retired member of the United States Army today, wish their service Happy Birthday.  The Army provi…


July 24, 2019

United Kingdom
Brexit Under Boris Johnson, With Sebastian Mallaby

Sebastian Mallaby, senior fellow for international economics at CFR, discusses with James M. Lindsay the recent selection of Boris Johnson as British prime minister, the future of Brexit, and Johnson…

Podcast British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in central London.

April 6, 2021

Democracy Tested: Democratic Backsliding in Latin America, With Steven Levitsky

In this special series of The President’s Inbox on the future of democracy, James M. Lindsay speaks with experts to discuss whether and where democratic governance is faltering around the world. This…

Podcast Demonstrators from various social movements protest against democracy and against the right-wing presidential candidate for Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, on Paulista Avenue in the city of Sao Paulo. October 20, 2018.

July 31, 2017

Donald Trump
The Iran Nuclear Agreement

CFR’s James M. Lindsay and Philip Gordon examine the Iran nuclear agreement.

Podcast Iranian president Hassan Rouhani

March 9, 2021

Democracy Tested: The Global Democratic Recession, With Yascha Mounk

In this special series of The President’s Inbox on the future of democracy, James M. Lindsay speaks with experts to discuss whether and where democratic governance is faltering around the world. This…

Podcast A protestor holds a sign reading "Respect democracy ! Count every vote" during a demonstration a day after the US Presidential Election in Portland, Oregon on November 4, 2020. - Democratic presidential challenger Joe Biden on November 4 neared the magic number of 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House with several battleground states still in play, as incumbent President Donald Trump challenged the vote count.