356 Results for:

April 23, 2013

White House Transparency and Targeted Killings

In February, President Obama declared during a Google+ Fireside Hangout: “This is the most transparent administration in history, and I can document how that is the case.” Obama did acknowledge: “Whe…

August 3, 2012

United States
You Might Have Missed: National Security Threats, Terrorism, and Gun Violence

Saxby Chambliss, "The Threat From Within to Our National Security," Macon Telegraph, August 3, 2012. Our nation and our military are about to confront one of the biggest threats since World War II. …


March 1, 2015

The Indian Budget: Cautious But Resolute

In a country whose media exists in a perpetual fever-pitch of excitement, a consensus has formed around the first full-year budget of the Narendra Modi government presented on February 28, 2015: No b…


April 20, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Why Europe Can’t Bring Peace to the Middle East

Lady Catherine Ashton, the EU’s top foreign policy official, has received a remarkable letter from the "European Eminent Persons Group on the Middle East Peace Process." This self-selected collectivi…

December 6, 2013

You Might Have Missed: Snowden, Homeland Security, and Drone Strikes

Karen Parrish, “Hagel Arrives in Bahrain for Speech at Dialogue,” American Forces Press Service, December 5, 2013. Hagel noted during a press conference yesterday that even as it focuses more attent…

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