356 Results for:

May 18, 2009

Monetary Policy
Russia’s waning appetite for dollars

If Russia were China -- or if Russia’s reserves were growing at the same pace as in late 2007 or early 2008 – today’s revelation that Russia cut the dollar share of its reserves over the course of 20…

Russia’s waning appetite for dollars

February 18, 2016

Reactions to the Apple-FBI Clash in the San Bernardino Case

Much has been written in the past forty-eight hours on Apple’s refusal to comply with a federal order to assist the FBI access the encrypted contents on a iPhone 5C owned by Syed Rizwan Farook, one o…

Apple CFR Cyber Net Politics Back Doors Encryption

April 20, 2002

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Red-Teaming the Data Gap

Introduction This paper outlines the information technology requirements of an effective Homeland Defense strategy against further al-Qaeda terror strikes within the United States. It highlights t…

September 20, 2018

Technology and Innovation
Foreign Affairs September/October Issue Launch: World War Web: The Fight For the Internet's Future

Gideon Rose discusses the September/October 2018 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine with contributors Michèle Flournoy and Adam Segal.

Play World War Web: The Fight For the Internet's Future

June 5, 2017

Does a Banking Crisis Lead to a Currency Crisis? (The Case of China)

One key question around China is pretty straight forward: will losses in China’s banks and shadow banks—whether on their lending to Chinese firms or their lending to investment vehicles of local gove…

Tracking the Yuan