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June 10, 2011

China’s Brewing Political Storm

Villagers rest under a campaign banner in the run-up to a democratic election for village committee at Xiwangping Village, in Beijing's Mentougou District on June 18,2010. The banner reads: “fully de…

Villagers rest under a campaign banner in the run-up to a democratic election for village committee at Xiwangping Village, in Beijing’s Mentougou District on June 18,2010. The banner reads: “fully develop democracy, strictly elect in accordance to law”

June 3, 2011

China’s Information Warfare

A woman holds a flower aloft in front of the portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong in Beijing's Tiananmen Square on May 19, 2008. (David Gray/Courtesy Reuters) As June 4 approaches, I am struck by how man…

A woman holds a flower aloft in front of the portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on May 19, 2008.

March 21, 2014

Is Peng Liyuan China’s Evita?

Dean of the People’s Liberation Army Art Academy. Goodwill Ambassador of the World Health Organization. Renowned Soprano Singer. Practitioner of Buddhism. China’s anti-smoking ambassador. Member of t…

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama and Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, pose for a photograph as they visit Forbidden City in Beijing on March 21, 2014.

October 20, 2022

CFR Fellows’ Book Launch Series: The Globalization Myth: Why Regions Matter By Shannon K. O'Neil

The conventional wisdom about globalization is wrong. When companies, money, people, and ideas went abroad more often than not they went regional. The Globalization Myth details the rise of three …

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July 6, 2017

Sub-Saharan Africa
New African Cardinal From Mali

Pope Francis elevated five new cardinals on June 27. One is the current archbishop of Bamako, Mali, Jean Zerbo and another, archbishop of Barcelona Jose Omella, served as a missionary in the Democrat…
