1,180 Results for:

September 23, 2010

The Iranian Nuclear Program: Some Observations from Israel

I spent the first part of this week in Israel talking to people about the Iranian nuclear program. I thought I’d share a few observations. (While I’m writing about travel: I’ll be in Shanghai and Hon…

March 12, 2012

Japan’s Day of Remembrance

Yesterday, the Japanese people remembered the tragedy of March 11, 2011 as the nation looked back on the year since a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck the northeastern Tohoku region. A large…

Child looks at candle flame during event to pray for reconstruction of areas devastated by March 2011 quake and tsunami, in Iwanuma.

November 15, 2012

Obama's New Cabinet: Time for a Strong Commerce Secretary

As President Obama mulls over the appointments for his second term cabinet, there’s one job that deserves a much higher priority than it’s had in the recent past: the Commerce Secretary. Commerce sec…

The U.S. Commerce Department (ncindc/Flickr).

November 3, 2011

Asia’s Landlocked Spaces

A Kyrgyz customs officer talks on a radio in front of workers as they reload cargo from a Chinese truck to Kyrgyz one at the Irkeshtam border crossing in southern Kyrgyzstan. Courtesy Reuters/Vladimi…

Asia’s Landlocked Spaces

November 14, 2006

Wars and Conflict
Iraq’s Post-Saddam Insurgency

With Saddam sentenced to death, experts say Sunni insurgents will fight on in an effort to rid Iraq of U.S. forces and avoid Shiite political dominance.