746 Results for:

March 17, 2008

World Growth Can No Longer Explain Soaring Commodity Prices.

Jeffrey FrankelNote: This post is from Jeffrey Frankel not Brad Setser. It is hard to remember now, but mineral and agricultural commodities were considered passé less than ten years ago. Anyone who …


June 25, 2023

Did Prigozhin Just Save Taiwan?

Might the revolt by Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Wagner group teach Xi Jinping the lesson that invasions are too uncertain and risky, and lead him away from invading Taiwan? 

April 9, 2010

Economic Crises

April 16, 2015

Europe and Eurasia
The Resurgence of Anti-Semitism in Europe

Jeffrey Goldberg, national correspondent with The Atlantic, discsusses the resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe, as part of CFR's Religion and Foreign Policy Conference Call series.


December 13, 2010

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
North Korea-Iran Nuclear Cooperation

WikiLeaks’ cables on North Korea’s missile sales to Iran have raised new concerns about the country’s proliferation activities. Expert Jeffrey Lewis says Pyongyang’s procurement networks pose the big…