13,450 Results for:

March 4, 2013

Post-2015 Development Issues: Conclusions

This series has argued that human rights and good governance are critical aspects of global development, as both an end in themselves and as a means to an end. The examination of potential human righ…


January 17, 2013

Post-2015 Development Issues: Introduction

As the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) draws near, debates about the contours of a new post-2015 development agenda that will best meet the needs of the world’s poor ar…


October 20, 2011

International Involvement Post-Qaddafi

Robert Danin, CFR’s senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies, argues that the international community needs to remain involved in Libya after Qaddafi’s death.

July 30, 2012

Guest Post: Poaching Threatens Central African Security

This is a guest post by Owen Cylke. Mr. Cylke is a development professional and a retired senior foreign service officer with USAID. Despite some progress on improving security in Central Africa, …

Members of the Pilanesberg National Park Anti-Poaching Unit (APU) stand guard as conservationists and police investigate the scene of a rhino poaching incident April 19, 2012.

February 6, 2012

Sub-Saharan Africa
Guest Post: Nigeria’s Shift to the Grassroots?

This is a guest post by Jim Sanders. In Ben Simon’s February 3rd AFP article, "As protests fade, Nigerians left to cope with fuel hike," the plight of ordinary Nigerians coping with the increased pr…
