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October 19, 2017

What to Watch For in Post-ISIS Iraq and Syria

As the campaigns to wrest the Islamic State from the territory it held in Iraq and Syria near completion, new conflicts may arise if old political arrangements prevail.

Syrian Democratic Forces fighters celebrate victory in Raqqa.

March 6, 2015

United States
Guest Post: Preventing Cultural Destruction by ISIS

Aliza Litchman is an intern in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations.  The U.S.-led coalition has been unsuccessful in halting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s (I…

Nimrud edited

January 12, 2015

Guest Post: Brazil’s Cybersecurity Conundrum

The following is a guest post by Robert Muggah and Misha Glenny. Brazil has embraced the digital age with more gusto than most. It is one of the top users of social media and recently signed-off on …

Brazil Military CFR Cyber Net Politics

August 15, 2014

United States
Guest Post: Implications of Declining Israeli Sympathy

Elena Vann is an interdepartmental intern at the Council on Foreign Relations. Once a small, noble state heralded for its democratic values and established after the horrors of the Holocaust, Israel…

Israeli protesting Israel

July 31, 2012

International Law
Guest Post: No Slaves Were Used in the Writing of This Blog Post

Below, my colleague Isabella Bennett, a research associate at the Council on Foreign Relations, offers an assessment of how to reduce human trafficking. The latest estimates by the International Lab…

Girl rescued from child trafficking poses in Proshanti in Dhaka