314 Results for:

September 12, 2023

United States
AI’s Impact on the 2024 U.S. Elections, With Jessica Brandt

Jessica Brandt, policy director for the Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology Initiative at the Brookings Institution, where she is a fellow in the Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strat…

Podcast A double exposure of an abstract creative programming illustration on the U.S. flag

July 21, 2022

A Conversation With U.S. Special Envoy Jessica Stern

U.S. Special Envoy Jessica Stern discusses the global state of LGBTQI+ rights, findings from the release of the first annual Interagency Report on the Implementation of the Presidential Memorandum on…

Play Thousands protest during the annual Queer Liberation March

September 27, 2005

Sub-Saharan Africa
Interview with Todd Moss on Debt Relief

At a World Bank - International Monetary Fund meeting this week in Washington, DC, an agreement was reached on a plan to provide around $40 billion in debt relief to eighteen of the world’s poorest c…

October 10, 2005

Kate-Moss-thin credit spreads

I never thought I would ever share space in an article with Kate Moss.   We do not exactly move in the same circles.  But William Pesek somehow found a connection - or a least a vivid metaphor. …

August 26, 2020

Demonstrations and Protests
Tear Gas and the Politics of Protest Policing

Tear gas is banned in international warfare, and its health risks are well-documented. Still, it remains a crowd-control agent of choice for police worldwide.