626 Results for:

May 15, 2014

Tourism, the Egyptian Economy--and Augusto Pinochet

Egypt’s next president, sure to be Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, will have a monumental task handling Egypt’s economy. More bad news was reported yesterday regarding the tourism sector. Al Ahram reported th…

June 17, 2017

Human Rights
Trump Si, Castro No

Congratulations to President Trump for a serious (though not total) reversal of the terrible Obama policy toward Cuba. Why? Because the Obama policy was values-free, granting all sorts of advantag…

August 6, 2011

Obama and Castro

Fidel and Raul Castro have decided not to free the American hostage they now hold. Or, as the newspapers put it in legal language “Cuban court rejects appeal by U.S. contractor.” Alan Gross was a U…

February 5, 2019

Election 2020
Meet Julián Castro, Democratic Presidential Candidate

Update: Julián Castro announced on January 2, 2020, that he was ending his campaign. Julián Castro is seeking do what no Democrat has done in ninety-six years: win the party’s presidential nominat…

Castro 2020

May 23, 2024

Middle East Program
Constitutions Thick and Thin

The sharp debate in Israel last year over “judicial reform” raised basic questions that arise in most democracies about constitutions: What are they meant to be and to do? Even the definition of a…

March 6, 2015

The Cuba Score: Obama 53, Castro 492

As part of the Obama administration’s deal with the Castro regime in Cuba, Castro agreed to release 53 prisoners. This was not quite the concession that it appeared to be, for some of the prisoners h…