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November 17, 2010

Collapse of Nigerian State Would Threaten U.S. Interests in the Region, Cautions Former Ambassador John Campbell in New Book

  “Governance, let alone democracy, faces grievous, structural challenges in Nigeria,” says Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Senior Fellow and Former Ambassador to Nigeria John Campbell in his n…

May 20, 2020

Preventing the Next Boko Haram in Northern Mozambique

The conflict broke out in Cabo Delgado province in the fall of 2017, and resulted in more than 1,000 deaths and forced 100,000 people to flee their homes. The group is Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamo (ASWJ), aka al-Shabab, with links to the Islamic State.

President Filipe Nyusi of Mozambique stands in a dark suit with a blue tie and white shirt as he is sworn in for his second term as president. Behind him, a military officer in ceremonial dress salutes him with a white-gloved hand.

April 24, 2024

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
NATO: Seventy-Five Years Later

This year NATO celebrates seventy-five years of collective defense, expanding from twelve founding members in 1949 to thirty-two today.  Panelists discuss the evolution of NATO as it has sought to…

Play A color guard from the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) carries the NATO flag at the Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia and two other soldiers stand on either side.

January 6, 2021

Vaccine Diplomacy: China and SinoPharm in Africa

On December 3, John Nkengasong, director, Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), announced a 60 percent vaccination target—one estimate of the level needed to achieve herd immunity from COVID-19—in Africa’s fifty-four countries.

A presentation of a vaccine under development by SinoPharm, a Chinese company, that is to be used to provide immunity against COVID-19

February 12, 2021

Transnational Crime
Nigeria's Enduring "Gold Wars"

Conflicts in northwest Nigeria over access to minerals—especially gold—are heating up. Illicit mining also causes environmental damage, thus exacerbating land and water shortages that cause further conflict.

A man standing in a small pool of water is using a plastic sheet with holes to filter gold dust.

May 31, 2024

Election 2024
Election 2024: Does Donald Trump’s Conviction Doom His Chances to Become President Again?

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: Trump’s conviction on thirty-four felony counts takes the U.S. presidential election into uncharted…

Trump as viewed leaving the courthouse in a blue tie.