12,810 Results for:

September 30, 2013

New From CFR: John Campell on “Scoring Africa”

In a recent blog post, John Campbell calls attention to a new infographic that compares African countries and serves as, “a great introductory tool to a host of African issues. It also provides a fas…

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August 6, 2015

John Kerry, George Shultz, and the Kerry Visit to Cuba

Secretary of State Kerry will visit Cuba soon--on August 14. Since the opening of diplomatic relations and of the Cuban embassy in Washington, what’s been going on in Cuba? More repression. There w…

November 30, 2016

United States
Michel Temer’s Shrinking Presidency

When he officially became president three months ago, Michel Temer’s game plan was simple and bold: in the roughly eighteen months before the 2018 presidential campaign ramped up, he would undertake …

Brazil's President Michel Temer looks on during a news conference at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia

September 22, 2016

United States
Winning the Peace: Paying for Colombia’s Peace Deal

We are ten days away from Colombia’s momentous October 2 plebiscite on the peace deal. Current polling suggests voters will choose “Sí,” bringing to an end a war that has killed nearly a quarter of a…


March 8, 2013

Wars and Conflict
New From CFR: John Campbell on Failing States

On his blog this week, CFR senior fellow John Campbell reviewed a new report on U.S. policy toward failing states. As Campbell explains: Around one billion people live in fragile or failing states. …
