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January 15, 2021

Dear America: The Rest of The World is Watching

On January 6, a large group of rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol building in an attempt to unconstitutionally obstruct the certification of Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. The events could prove detrimental for democracy in the developing world.

The Capitol is seen behind a fence and a sign that reads "AREA CLOSED By order of the United States Capitol Police Board,", in Washington, D.C. on January 15, 2021.

September 4, 2019

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Coastal West Africa Now Facing Islamist Extremist Threat

West Africa is facing a growing threat from Islamist extremist groups. Many of these groups originated in Mali but have since spilled over its borders, with jihadis establishing themselves in the north and east of Burkina Faso. The country has become a desirable haven for many groups because of the security vacuum that has defined the country following the deposition of longtime strongman Blaise Compaore.

Silhouetted palm trees and woman carrying merchandise on her head on beach at sunset, Gulf of Guinea, Lome, Togo, West Africa.

August 25, 2020

Niger Attack Demonstrates Islamic State in West Africa’s Growing Reach

The area between Niamey, Niger and Niger State, Nigeria will not be spared from jihadist groups’ attacks any longer and ISWA’s two branches, Shekau’s faction, and Ansaru will all be competing for recruits in the same areas.

Six Nigerian soldiers, in an armored truck, hold up a flag seized from Boko Haram. The flag is black, with a white circle in the middle with black Arabic writing.

December 16, 2020

Local and Traditional Leadership
Nigeria's Unitary Federalism

In May 1966, General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi, Nigeria’s first Military Head of State—also known as Johnny Ironside for his exploits in a peacekeeping mission in the Congo—promulgated the infamous Decree No. 34 of 1966, the “unification decree.”

A group of Nigerian lawyers are seen sitting in chairs awaiting a trial. Several are wearing wigs that resemble those used during the British colonial period.

March 14, 2023

Advancing Cyber Diplomacy

This symposium will convene senior government officials and experts from academia and the private sector to address the U.S. Department of State’s newly created Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Polic…