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May 15, 2013

Escaping Nigeria’s Cycle of Violence

A state of emergency in Nigeria’s northeast signals that Islamist violence and the government’s brutal response have rendered the region ungovernable, says CFR’s John Campbell.

February 18, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
A Way Out of Nigeria’s Political Crisis?

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has broken with President Goodluck Jonathan’s Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in favor of the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC). This move, along with numer…

Nigeria Elections 2011

January 30, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Musings About Nigeria’s Boko Haram and Maiduguri

Maiduguri is the capital of Borno state and is the metropole of northeastern Nigeria. It has a federal university and an international airport, co-located with a Nigerian air force base. On the edge …

Maiduguri Relief

February 21, 2012

Sub-Saharan Africa
Babangida and Boko Haram

The bad relations between former strongman, military general, and head of state Ibrahim Babangida (IBB) and President Goodluck Jonathan are yet another sign of the breakdown of elite bargaining, whic…

Nigeria's former military ruler Ibrahim Babangida waves to the crowd during a rally marking his official declaration for the presidential bid in the federal capital Abuja September 15, 2010.

February 2, 2016

Sub-Saharan Africa
Nigeria’s Pro-Biafra Agitation: A Mix of Crisis and Opportunity

This is a guest post by Carl Unegbu. Carl is a Nigerian-born American lawyer and journalist. He lives in New York City. Nigeria’s old Biafra problem has reared its head again and with it, the spec…

Pro-Biafra Agitation