2,236 Results for:

March 29, 2013

Sub-Saharan Africa
South African Court Convicts Nigerian Terrorist

A South African judge has sentenced Henry Okah, a Nigerian citizen, to twenty-four years in jail for twin car bombings in 2010. The bombings took place in Nigeria’s capital of Abuja on the fiftieth a…

Nigerian militant leader Henry Okah (L) gestures as he is escorted by police after his sentencing was postponed at a Johannesburg court February 28, 2013.

August 21, 2019

Debt Servicing, Tax Revenue, and Oil in Nigeria

President Buhari is publicly asking the Federal Inland Revenue Service about its failure to meet tax-collecting targets since 2015. Nigerian Federal and state entities have borrowed so much money that debt service now consumes more than 70 percent of revenue, according to the Finance Ministry. 

Tunde Fowler sits and gestures in front of a FIRS logo during an interview.

March 26, 2015

Nigeria’s High Stakes Elections

Africa’s most populous country is holding tight elections amid a fierce insurgency and plummeting oil revenues. There are concerns that the vote could trigger a new round of instability, writes CFR’s…

July 22, 2013

Sub-Saharan Africa
Nigeria Winds Down Peacekeeping

Alassane Ouattara, president of the Ivory Coast and chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), announced that he received a letter from Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan s…

Nigerian soldiers sit in military trucks before leaving for Mali, at the airport in Nigeria's northern state of Kaduna January 17, 2013.

April 9, 2013

United States
TWE Remembers: The Tampico Incident

Karl Marx famously wrote that history repeats itself, "the first time as tragedy, the second as farce." But some historical events combine elements of both. Just consider the Tampico Incident, which …

President Woodrow Wilson addresses Congress on the Tampico Incident, April 20, 1914 (Courtesy Library of Congress).