420 Results for:

June 27, 2018

Is Political Change Coming to Mexico?

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will likely become Mexico’s next president at a time of mounting concern over corruption and violence, but his reform plans are hazy.

Alan Ortega/Reuters

October 19, 2018

Cyber Week in Review: October 19, 2018

This week: disclosing Russian and Iranian tweets, Apple wants Bloomberg to retract the SuperMicro story, Huawei accused of stealing intellectual property, data localization in India, and declining in…


February 2, 2011

Sub-Saharan Africa
African Unity Fracturing on Cote d’Ivoire

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea's President and new African Union (AU) Chairman, speaks during a news conference at the closing ceremony of the 16th African Union Summit, in Ethiopia…

African Unity Fracturing on Cote d’Ivoire

December 15, 2016

Latin America’s Wide-Open Electoral Season

Half of the eighteen nations of Central and South America will hold presidential elections over the next two years.[1] The number of elections is not unprecedented, but the degree of uncertainty is, …

July 28, 2016 (Reuters/Guadalupe Pardo).

June 21, 2019

Election 2020
Issue Guide: The First 2020 Democratic Presidential Debates

The Democratic field could touch on a number of foreign policy issues, from climate change to Iran, during its first prime-time sparring session.

Veteran holds U.S. flag as Sen. Elizabeth Warren speaks on campaign trail.