420 Results for:

July 28, 2016

Teetering at the Precipice: Brazil and the 2016 Summer Olympics

Experts discuss Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment trial, Brazil’s deepening economic recession, the Zika virus outbreak, and other issues facing Brazil as the country prepares to host the 2016 Summer Olym…

Podcast RTSIL9Z_EC.jpg

September 8, 2006

United States

September 8, 2006

United States
Council on Foreign Relations Policy Symposium: “Making New York Safer” Session 1: The Terrorist Threat in New York

Watch experts discuss the terrorist threat in New York and the importance of preparing for small-scale


December 31, 1969

United States
Global Issues in Campaign '08: Prosperity or Protectionism?: Jobs, Trade, and American Votes

Watch experts discuss globalization fears and the U.S. presidential elections as part of the Global Issues in Campaign '08 series, cosponsored by CFR.org, Economist, and NYU's Stern School of Busines…


June 9, 2008

McKinsey Executive Roundtable Series in International Economics: Microfinance: Business or Charity?

ISOBEL COLEMAN (CFR fellow): Good morning, everybody. Welcome. You've probably figured out by now that I am not Jim Wolfensohn. I'm Isobel Coleman. I'm a senior fellow here at the Council on Foreign …
