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June 20, 2018

Democratic Republic of Congo
Podcast: Scene Setter for Planned December Election in Congo

Though Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala of Democratic Republic of Congo officially announced on June 12 that President Joseph Kabila would not stand for a controversial third term, this has not ended speculation that Kabila, whose term of office expired in 2016, will find a way to continue to stay in power. Shortly thereafter, in what will surely complicate the election, the International Criminal Court acquitted Jean-Pierre Bemba, the former Congolese vice president, an ex-warlord, and a fierce rival of Kabila.


December 12, 2011

Sub-Saharan Africa
It’s Getting Hot in Congo

Supporters of incumbent President Joseph Kabila are seen celebrating through a banner with his image after provisional election results are announced in Democratic Republic of Congo's capital Kinshas…

It’s Getting Hot in Congo

October 28, 2008

Transparency and Surpluses in Iraq’s Oil-Dependent Budget

An official at the U.S. Government Accountability Office says Iraq will retain a healthy budget surplus in spite of falling oil prices. He also notes that auditors’ access to Iraq’s finances could be…

December 1, 2016

Podcast: The Origins of the American Alliance System in Asia

Harvard Professor Joseph Nye once said that “security is like oxygen: you do not tend to notice it until you begin to lose it.” Alliances also often function like oxygen, with the security and stabil…

Podcast The Origins the American Alliance System in Asia

November 23, 2020

The Military-First Approach in Northern Mozambique is Bound to Fail

Nolan Quinn is a research associate for the Council on Foreign Relations’ Africa Program. On October 14, the Islamist insurgency focused in northern Mozambique spilled over into Tanzania, with an …

An image of burned out huts in Chitolo village in northern Mozambique, which was attacked as part of an Islamist insurgency active in the area.