1,195 Results for:

October 23, 2019

United States
The Big Red Button

A U.S. president can launch a first-strike nuclear attack at any time and, according to the law, does not need to seek advice first. Some experts think that’s too much power to put in one person’s ha…

Podcast Ballistic missile being launched from the ocean.

September 17, 2019

Election 2020
Meet Joe Biden, Democratic Presidential Candidate

Is the third time really the charm? Former Vice President Joe Biden certainly hopes so. He first threw his hat in the ring for the 1988 Democratic nomination but ended up dropping out of the race mon…

Joe Biden

May 19, 2006

Elections and Voting
Cyprus’ Elections

Cyprus’ parliamentary elections are the first since the 2004 referendum on Kofi Annan’s plan for reunification was voted down, and the first since the country’s accession to the EU that same year. Th…

July 15, 2020

South Korea
Remembering General Paik Sun-yup

Without Paik’s herculean effort, South Korea as we know it today—a vibrant, capitalist, and liberal democracy—wouldn’t exist.

General Paik Sun-yup, 1950

June 4, 2015

Saudi Arabia
A New Church in the Emirates

This week it was announced that a second Catholic church has been completed in Abu Dhabi and will be inaugurated with a mass on June 11. The first, St. Joseph’s Cathedral, was donated by the ruling f…