1,225 Results for:

June 1, 2023

Not All U.S. States Struggled Equally Against COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic devastated the United States with over one million deaths over three years. Yet, the burden of the virus was not spread evenly across the country. States like Vermont and Washin…

Play Photo of Covid-19 antigen tests

December 18, 2020

Democratic Republic of Congo
Power-sharing Agreement Breaks Down in DRC

When Félix Tshisekedi assumed power in in the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the start of 2019, he did so not because of the will of the voters (who apparently favored a different candidate).

Felix Tshisekedi receives the presidential sash from the outgoing President Joseph Kabila during the inauguration ceremony whereby Tshisekedi was sworn into office as the new president of the Democratic Republic of Congo

February 24, 2021

Democratic Republic of Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo is Back on the Front Page

The killing of the Italian ambassador to the DRC and the lifting of U.S. Treasury sanctions against an Israeli businessman in the final hours of the Trump administration has again focused international attention on the interlocking crises in the DRC.

Four UN vehicles are seen parked on a dirt road, protected by armed UN soldiers, in eastern DRC. Two motorcycles are also seen driving on the road, going in opposite directions.

January 9, 2024

Political History and Theory
The World That Wasn’t

A dramatic and powerful new perspective on the political career of Henry Wallace—a perspective that will forever change how we view the making of U.S. and Soviet foreign policy at the dawn of the Col…

December 14, 2011

Elections and Voting
Congo Standoff Requires African Solution

The United States should withhold its support for the Kabila government until the situation in Congo clarifies, says CFR’s Africa expert John Campbell.