2,583 Results for:

February 28, 2013

Democracy’s Decline and the Case of Kenya

Will Kenya’s elections produce a representative government or deepen its democratic decline? CFR’s Joshua Kurlantzick offers a prescription for reversing the retreat of emerging states like Kenya.

February 7, 2024

One Year Plus in Power, Anwar Struggles Mightily to Enact Real Reform in Malaysia

After over a year in office, Prime Minister Anwar has struggled to follow through on his campaign promises to curtail corruption and strengthen the Malaysian economy.

Malaysian Prime Minister wears a white shirt while giving a speech standing at his parliamentary desk.

January 31, 2024

Pakistan’s Opposition Leader Imran Khan is Jailed As Election Looms

The suppression of former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his party has enabled the Pakistani military to reassert control over the country’s politics.

Former Prime Minister Khan wears a blue suit while surrounded by people in black.

May 22, 2008

Can a Syrian-Israeli Peace Agreement Be Reached?

Joshua Landis, a leading Syria specialist, says a prospective Syrian-Israeli peace agreement is "very feasible," though perhaps not quickly.

January 29, 2024

Marcos Jr. Moves the Philippines Dramatically Closer to the United States

Unlike other Southeast Asian leaders, President Marcos Jr. has chosen to explicitly align the Philippines with the United States and confront China more directly.

Philippine President Marcos wears a white button-down shirt while he walks past white colonnades with U.S. President Biden, who wears a blue suit.

November 3, 2009

President Obama Tours Asia

Ahead of President Obama’s Asia trip, CFR experts Sheila Smith, Joshua Kurlantzick, Elizabeth Economy, and Scott Snyder discuss what the president should focus on during his visit to Japan, Singapore…

December 4, 2007

Landis: Syria Key to Middle East Peace Process

Joshua Landis, a leading Syria expert, says Syria’s surprise attendance at last week’s Annapolis peace conference came after heavy lobbying.