188 Results for:

July 16, 2019

Building Resilience in the Fifth Domain

The time for new cyber strategies is over. The United States should work to achieve "cyber resilience," in which we actively manage the risk posed by even the most persistent nation-state actors.

A researcher of Hauri, an IT security software company investigating computer viruses, works at a lab of the company in Seoul March 22, 2013.

June 7, 2016

Podcast: Environmental Degradation and Political Change in China

China’s economic miracle has imposed tremendous social costs.  In December 2015, as levels of PM2.5—the deadliest airborne particles—were forecast to be more than twenty times the level considered sa…


March 22, 2011

Sub-Saharan Africa
The Great Lakes Policy Forum

[cetsEmbedGmap src=http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=215110937314986215762.00049f17e81ebea2b8dc9&ll=-0.878872,23.90625&spn=104.74468,228.339844&z=3 width=570 height=425 marginwi…

January 15, 2016

Challenges for U.S. Climate Policy

Todd Stern discusses the result of the Paris Agreement, the domestic and international implications of the agreement, and the future of U.S. climate policy and diplomacy.

Play RTX1YJBQ_EC.jpg

December 2, 2011

Sub-Saharan Africa
Protection of State Information Bill a Blemish on South Africa

Signs are seen in the air as demonstrators protest against the passing of the Protection of Information Bill outside Parliament in Cape Town November 22, 2011. (Stringer/Courtesy Reuters) South Afri…

Protection of State Information Bill a Blemish on South Africa