188 Results for:

February 11, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Nelson Mandela Freed Twenty-Five Years Ago Today

In 1964, Nelson Mandela was convicted of sabotage in conjunction with the armed struggle against apartheid in the Rivonia Trial. He was sentenced to life in prison. His statement at his sentencing wa…

Mandela 25 Years Prison

October 21, 2020

Human Trafficking
Revitalizing Human Trafficking Policy Twenty Years In

This blog post was authored by Olivia Enos, senior policy analyst in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation, and Mark P. Lagon, chief policy officer of Friends of the Global Fight Agains…

Protesters march in a "Walk to Freedom" to demonstrate against human trafficking in Berlin.

November 15, 2019

Election 2020
Campaign Foreign Policy Roundup: The Democratic Foreign Policy Establishment Embraces Joe Biden

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential challengers are saying about foreign policy. This week: endorsements for Joe Biden, U.S. troops, and new candidates.

Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to a crowd after filing for the New Hampshire presidential primary on November 8.

February 29, 2016

HBO What To Do About Afghanistan

Experts assess the current situation in Afghanistan, analyze U.S. involvement, and offer policy options moving forward.

Play RTX2139A_Anil-Usyan_1.jpg

April 11, 2014

Globalizing World Requires Transatlantic Partnership and Leadership

With the economic structural reforms enacted in many southern European countries now beginning to show results, German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble joins Robert Kimmitt of the American Council …
