350 Results for:

December 18, 2012

South Korea
South Korea’s Presidential Stakes

A conservative and a progressive appear to offer South Koreans sharply different presidential options, but both are likely to pursue similar foreign policy tracks, says CFR’s Scott Snyder.

December 1, 2008

Human Rights
Pass FTA and amend Plan Colombia, from the Washington Times

It has been two years since the United States and Colombia signed a free trade agreement, and it still has not been approved by Congress, in part due to concerns over Colombia’s human rights record. …

Pass FTA and amend Plan Colombia, from the Washington Times

February 16, 2005

North Korea
NORTH KOREA: Parallel to Iraq?

This publication is now archived. Why does the United States treat North Korea differently from Iraq?Bush administration officials argue that North Korea and Iraq--both rogue states pursuing worrisom…

October 7, 2011

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Growing U.S. Role in South China Sea

With China and Southeast Asian states disputing claims to the energy-rich South China Sea, the United States is likely to bolster its presence in the area, writes CFR’s Joshua Kurlantzick.

March 30, 2009

Obama’s Afghanistan-Pakistan Strategy: ’A Reasonable First Step’

CFR’s Stephen Biddle says President Obama’s decision to add four thousand troops to train Afghan troops is "a reasonable first step" but that Obama faces huge challenges in standing up a viable Afgha…