376 Results for:

December 15, 2016

United States
Why Doesn’t Apple Export More Services (Wonky)

A big caveat. Apple is being used to represent a lot of companies with very valuable intellectual property (IP) that have built up similarly outsized piles of cash outside the United States; it is th…

Why Doesn’t Apple Export More Services (Wonky)

November 16, 2012

Labor and Employment
Policy Initiative Spotlight: Trying to Depolarize Congress

Congressional polarization has steadily increased over the last twenty-five years, according to research by political scientists Howard Rosenthal and Keith Poole. Their analysis indicates that the U…

Stickers stating "I Voted" in several languages are affixed to a ballot intake machine during the 2012 national election (Fred Prouser/Courtesy Reuters).

October 28, 2013

Kurdistan: Just Being Independent

Iraq is going to break up.  It is already happening, but no one wants to acknowledge it because no one wants to be perceived as being responsible for the disintegration of a major Middle Eastern coun…


August 5, 2008

Old habits die hard ...

At the first hint of a slowdown, the US tends to take steps -- like a fiscal stimulus package -- to support domestic demand. Though to be fair, the US has also loosened monetary policy, and one…


March 13, 2017

The Futility of Force in Yemen

An escalation in U.S. counterterrorism strikes is unlikely to degrade the country’s al-Qaeda affiliate and a two-year-long Saudi-led air campaign is no closer to defeating Houthi rebels, says Ambassa…