376 Results for:

April 15, 2009

Monetary Policy
China reduced its dollar holdings in February

It is a good thing the US trade deficit has come down, because foreign demand for US financial assets -- actually foreign demand for US assets other than short-term Treasury bills -- has dried up. …

China reduced its dollar holdings in February

February 1, 2013

Education: Do International Test Scores Matter?

We’ve all seen the headlines: American students are far from stellar performers on international tests. Whether it’s the OECD’s oft-cited gold-standard PISA test on math and reading, the TIMSS test o…

A preschooler on his first day of school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Bazuki Muhammad/Courtesy Reuters).

September 9, 2010

The Downside to Made in the USA

Keith Bradsher has a largely excellent article in Wednesday’s Times that’s focused on the (possibly illegal) advantages that the Chinese government is providing its clean energy firms. In reporting t…

February 26, 2015

The Cyber Competition Between the United States and Iran Matters Less Than You Think

The emergence of cybersecurity as a global problem reveals that states are harnessing cyber technologies in the service of their respective national security and foreign policy interests. One questio…

Cyber CFR Net Politics Iran United States

November 15, 2016

China, Manipulation, Day One, the 1988 Trade Act, and the Bennet Amendment

President-elect Trump has said that he plans to declare China a currency manipulator on day one. I am among those who think this is a bad idea. This isn’t the right time to signal that China’s lon…
