376 Results for:

March 10, 2006

Peru’s Elections

Peru’s upcoming presidential election could be an important litmus test in a region leaning leftward.

October 23, 2005

China’s crazy numbers

The Big Picture is right.  China's growth numbers are not to be trusted.   China's growth almost certainly slowed more than the government acknowledged in say 1998 and 1999, after the Asian crisis.  …

April 13, 2009

Monetary Policy
China’s reserves are still growing, but at a slower pace than before

If China’s euros, pounds, yen and other non-dollar reserves were managed as a separate portfolio, China’s non-dollar portfolio would be bigger than the total reserves of all countries other than Japa…

China’s reserves are still growing, but at a slower pace than before

January 2, 2009

As trade slows, China doesn’t rethink its growth strategy ...

My title is a play on the New York Times’ online headline: "As Trade Slows, China Rethinks its Growth Strategy." The print version of the Times carries a headline that more accurately reflects the…

September 4, 2007

Close to $500b of debt purchased over the last 18 months, and not a cent of subprime …

China’s reserve managers – the State Administration of Foreign Exchange – recently reported that they have exactly zero exposure to US subprime mortgages.    “"China's official forex reserves don't…