376 Results for:

October 28, 2005

Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa’s Food Crisis

This publication is now archived. World’s hardest-hitIn quantitative terms, there is enough food available to feed the world’s 6.4 billion people, but 852 million people will still go hungry this yea…

February 22, 2005

Middle East and North Africa
MIDDLE EAST: U.S.-Syrian relations

This publication is now archived. What’s the status of U.S.-Syrian relations?Very strained. They have rarely been good; Washington has long protested Syria’s occupation of Lebanon and accused Damascu…

December 6, 2005

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
U.S. Treatment of Terror Suspects and U.S.-EU Relations

This publication is now archived. Introduction In response to media reports that the United States is detaining top al-Qaeda suspects in secret prisons in eight countries, including Romania and…

November 25, 2013

Defense and Security
U.S. Troops Required Post-2014 to Curb al-Qaeda’s Resurgence in Afghanistan, Recommends New CFR Report

RAND Corporation’s Seth G. Jones and Keith Crane explain in a new Council Special Report from the Center for Preventive Action how the United States should manage the complex political, security, and…

January 10, 2006

UN Must ‘Stay the Course’ in Haiti, says UN Undersecretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Marie Guéhenno

Jean-Marie Guéhenno, undersecretary-general for UN peacekeeping operations and former French ambassador to the European Union, says real progress has been made in Haiti. The poorest country in the We…