267 Results for:

May 1, 2008

Managing China’s real appreciation

The BIS computes the real exchange rate for a broad range of countries (if only the data extended backwards a bit further). The BIS data shows that China’s real exchange rate tracked the US real e…


April 27, 2011

Political Movements
China: The New Virtual Political System

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, CFR’s Elizabeth C. Economy and Jared Mondschein assess the rise of online activism in China and what it means for the country’s political system.  

April 23, 2007

United States
America’s Vulnerable Energy Grid

Rising demand stands to increase the strain on the already taxed U.S. power grid. Without intervention, the system could become even more susceptible to terrorist attacks and acts of nature.

January 5, 2006

Chinese Sterilization Watch

Three things to watch closely in 2006:The size of China's reserve increase.   Some say it is falling back from its recent $20 b or so monthly pace.  I am not convinced.   The amount of sterilization …

December 19, 2007

The alliance between China’s (nominally) communist government and Wall Street deepens …

The China investment corporation (the CIC) is investing $5b in Morgan Stanley, taking a 9.9% stake.That is a bit of a surprise, at least to me.   After the CIC's (mark to market) losses on Blackstone…