708 Results for:

April 5, 2006

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Iran's Nuclear Program Symposium: Policy Options for the United States

Council on Foreign RelationsNew York, NY RICHARD HAASS: Why don’t we get started? This is—I’d say this is the clean-up position, except it’s only batting third. We also have the somewhat unenviable …


April 5, 2006

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Iran's Nuclear Program Symposium: Policy Options for the United States

Watch a discussion on what the United States should do in response to Iran developing a nuclear program, and Iran's likely responses to each policy option. Part three of a three-part symposium.


May 11, 2018

John B. Hurford Memorial Lecture With Michael McFaul

Michael McFaul provides an insider’s perspective on Russia during his time as U.S. ambassador, including his analysis of Russia’s foreign policy from the end of the cold war to the presidency of Vlad…

Play U.S. Ambassador McFaul leaves the Russian Foreign Ministry headquarters in Moscow

October 28, 2013

United States
A Conversation with Ted Koppel

Ted Koppel reflects on his career and the changing nature of journalism and social media.


October 29, 2020

CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series Guest Event With Yanzhong Huang

Yanzhong Huang discusses his new book, Toxic Politics: China’s Environmental Health Crisis and Its Challenge to the Chinese State. Environmental degradation in China has taken a heavy toll not only o…

Play CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series Guest Event With Yanzhong Huang