708 Results for:

March 16, 2005

Segal: U.S. Analysts Increasingly Alarmed about China’s Military Modernization

Adam Segal, a Council expert on Chinese military and technology policy, says that the United States must exert its influence on both the mainland and Taiwan to try and prevent an outbreak of hostilit…

October 27, 2010

United States
Immigration and the Midterm Elections

The economic climate and border security concerns have fueled the immigration debate in the U.S. congressional elections. This Backgrounder examines races where immigration is playing a role and the …

September 23, 2016

A Conversation With Nikos Kotzias

Nikos Kotzias discusses the challenges and opportunities facing Greece.

Play Kotzias_EC.jpg

October 4, 2005

Financial Markets
Forget China, let’s talk about oil

Not the oil price per se, but what oil producers are doing with all the coin that comes with high oil prices.  I have rattled on and on about how China's current account surplus is on track to reac…

March 21, 2007

MEND: The Niger Delta’s Umbrella Militant Group

Backgrounder: MEND has gained global notoriety by disrupting oil supplies in the Niger Delta.