681 Results for:

September 25, 2002

United States
Invasion the Only Realistic Option to Head Off the Threat from Iraq, Argues Kenneth Pollack in The Threatening Storm

  Contact: Lisa Shields, Director of Communications, 212-434-9888   New York, September 25, 2002 - To prevent the near certainty that Saddam Hussein will acquire nuclear weapons, the Uni…

January 8, 2003

United States
Robert E. Rubin and Kenneth M. Duberstein Bipartisan Task Force Recommends Path to New Consensus on Trade Expansion

Contact: Lisa Shields, Director of Communications, (212) 439 7926 or [email protected] KEY RECOMMENDATIONS: GIVE THE PRESIDENT TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY NOW, AND USE THE BENEFITS OF TRADE EXPAN…

February 14, 2001

A Letter to the President and a Memorandum on U.S. Policy Toward Brazil

Latin America in general—and Brazil in particular—is coming to the forefront of U.S. policy challenges. In response to this situation, this blue-ribbon Independent Task Force sponsored by the Council…

January 16, 2024

The Houthi Threat to Red Sea Shipping, With Katherine Zimmerman

Katherine Zimmerman, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss the ongoing attacks by the Houthis in Yemen on commercial ships transiting the Red Sea.

Podcast The Galaxy Leader, a commercial-vehicle carrier seized by Houthi commandos in the Red Sea, as seen on November 20, 2023, the day after its hijacking.

October 13, 2011

Mounting Questions on Iran Terror Plot

It seems unlikely that the plot to kill a Saudi ambassador involved the highest levels of Iran’s government, says expert Kenneth Katzman, including the plan to use non-Muslim proxies to carry it out.

March 31, 2020

South Korea
Let the UN Command Remain a Tool for Korean Peace

The UNC should continue to carry out its unique armistice-management responsibilities following OPCON transfer on the Korean Peninsula.

A South Korean honor guard stands in front of boxes containing the remains of the UNC and ROK soldiers killed in North Korea in the 1950-53 Korean War during the mutual repatriation ceremony of soldiers' remains in Seoul, South Korea on July 13, 2018.