681 Results for:

June 2, 2010

Deterring a Nuclear Iran

Overview From a military perspective, what would be required for a containment scheme to successfully deter a nuclear Iran? In this Working Paper, sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York…

Deterring a Nuclear Iran header

October 1, 2002

Middle East and North Africa
Arabs at War

In Arabs at War, Council Senior Fellow Kenneth Pollack delivers the first-ever unclassified record of the post-World War II military histories of six key Arab states: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Saud…

September 2, 2002

The Threatening Storm

This highly influential book, written as the Bush administration turned its sights on Saddam Hussein's regime, takes the reader back to the pre-war days of uncertainty about Saddam's weapons and his …

April 11, 2023

“A Religious War”

Nigeria’s close-run presidential election was not about religion, until it was.

A pastor dressed in white stands before a congregation, some of whom are laying on the ground in prayer.

June 9, 2014

Debating the Legal Gray Areas in the War on Terrorism

Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch, CFR's Matthew Waxman, and James Zirin, host of Conversations in the Digital Age, join Fordham University's Karen Greenberg to discuss national security, civil libe…
