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February 8, 2023

United States
In Last Night’s SOTU, (Some) Republicans Gave Joe Biden Just What He Wanted

The spectacle highlighted not only the ongoing battle within the GOP, but also spoke to what may lie ahead on critical governance issues this year.

Biden SOTU

February 21, 2023

United States
As the Debt Ceiling Crisis Looms, Allies and Adversaries Are Watching

A U.S. default would send a shock through the global economy and risk the credibility of the U.S. dollar.  It would also alarm U.S. allies while presenting a gift to its adversaries.

The sun shines on the U.S. Capitol dome on the first day the federal government re-opened following a 16-day shutdown at the U.S. Capitol in Washington

August 22, 2023

United States
The Future of Dollar Hegemony

The United States has benefited from the dollar’s dominance of global markets for decades. Washington should be wary of squandering those benefits through political infighting and reckless policymaki…


December 8, 2022

United States
Renewing America Series: What to Expect From the Lame-Duck Congress

Our panelists discuss the current lame-duck session of Congress, including debates over the spending and the debt ceiling, additional funds for Ukraine, and reforms to the Electoral Count Act, among …

Play House chamber

February 22, 2018

Food and Water Security
Why Is Cape Town Drying Up?

A historic dry spell has severely affected Cape Town's water supply, and global climate patterns suggest that other cities may face the same fate.

Dry Cape Town dam