86 Results for:

November 13, 2015

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Weekend Reading: Ramlat Bulaq, Bedouin Poetry, and the Islamic State vs. Israel

Omnia Khalil reviews the struggles of everyday life in the Cairene neighborhood of Ramlat Bulaq. William Tamplin takes a look at Jordan’s most popular Bedouin poet and his use of verse to express Ar…


June 5, 2015

Weekend Reading: Debunking Iraq’s Myth, Demolishing History in Egypt, and Biking Syria’s Civil War

Sara Pursley, in a two-part report on Jadaliyya, debunks the myth of Iraq as an artificial state. Mahmoud Riad protests the demolition of the National Democratic Party’s headquarters in Cairo. Ahma…


October 28, 2009

The Tragedy of Palestinian Divisions

Expert Rashid Khalidi says it is crucial for Palestinian rivals Hamas and Fatah to reconcile to effectively negotiate a two-state solution with Israel or face a troubling status quo.  

December 8, 2006

Multiple Iraq Reports to Compete for President’s Attention

As he weighs options on Iraq, President Bush will consider not only the Iraq Study Group report but also pending in-house reports from the National Security Council and the Pentagon.

June 30, 2006

The Challenge in Iraq’s Other Cities: Kirkuk

Experts predict that if civil war erupts in Iraq, the spark may come from Kirkuk. Oil-rich and under de facto Kurdish control, the city has emerged as one of Iraq’s most hotly contested flashpoints.