2,289 Results for:

December 9, 2013

North Korea
The Removal of Jang Song-taek

There is nothing like a good purge to spark off speculation about the future of an opaque totalitarian regime like the one in North Korea. The problem, of course, is that unless one knows what is goi…


December 31, 2018

South Korea
2018 in Review: Kim's Diplomatic Debut

From testing intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs, Kim moved to testing diplomatic prospects for the normalization of himself as an international leader and of North Korea as a nucle…


April 20, 2018

North Korea
Nuclear North Korea: The Trump-Kim Meeting

As part of the 2018 College and University Educators Workshop, Patricia M. Kim, Gary Samore, and Sheila A. Smith speak with Mitchel B. Wallerstein about the threats posed by a nuclear North Korea and…

Play Nuclear North Korea

July 1, 2019

North Korea
Trump-Kim DMZ Meeting: Is Kim Jong-un Foil, Friend, or Foe?

Without proper preparations, what can a handshake at the DMZ deliver?


January 22, 2019

North Korea
The Second Trump-Kim Summit Is Set, But Is Trump Ready?

Trump must put his affairs in order to strengthen his hand going into a second meeting with Kim Jong-un.