174 Results for:

December 6, 2010

United States
Why U.S.-Korea Trade Deal Matters

The new U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement has the potential to measurably spur the economy and reassure a top U.S. ally, but President Obama needs to take firmer steps to boost a flagging trade agenda,…

May 19, 2010

Energy and Climate Policy
What the PA-12 Special Election Says About Cap and Trade

The special election to replace the late Rep. John Murtha (D) was, as Politico notes, the only House race last night that really matterered to both parties. Democrat Mark Critz decisively beat Republ…

October 1, 2018

United States
How Does the U.S. Spend Its Foreign Aid?

With President Donald J. Trump advocating for deep cuts to U.S. foreign aid, debate has renewed over the role of foreign assistance funds in boosting growth, promoting democracy, and saving lives.


November 18, 2010

Politics and Government
The Gauntlet Is Thrown Down

Walking by Westminster this morning I was reminded of the grandeur of democracy.  Watching the battle back in Washington over the New START Treaty, I am reminded that democratic practice is often m…

The Gauntlet Is Thrown Down

November 16, 2010

Politics and Government
Election Re-Cap

Two weeks after the midterm elections that shook up Washington, here are five things we know: 1. The Democrats took a beating.  When your party loses more House seats than in any election sinc…
