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December 23, 2020

Darkness in Northern Nigeria

There are signs that as the Nigerian army and the police continue to fail to meet the security needs of the people, they will turn toward repression. In November, Chief of Army Staff Tukur Buratai called on all troops to put themselves in a "war mode."

Two Nigerian men, one wearing Islamic dress, put up a sign that readds "#BringBackOurBoys Empowered by Coalition of Northern Groups."

August 12, 2020

Boko Haram
Mass Defection of Boko Haram Fighters in Cameroon

Nigerian Major General Ibrahim Manu Yusuf, commander of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MJTF) fighting the Boko Haram Islamist insurgency in the Lake Chad Basin, announced that 109 Boko Haram fighters and their prisoners had defected in Cameroon.

Black graffiti is shown on a gray wall in Borno, Nigeria. The graffiti says "Hate Evil," as well as "Boko Haram is Evil"

December 21, 2020

Local and Traditional Leadership
Release of Nigerian School Boys: Questions and Hypotheses

The freeing of perhaps 344 boys kidnapped from a boarding school at Kankara in Katsina state is unalloyed good news. An attempt to kidnap another eighty school children, at Dandume in the same state a few days later on December 19, was foiled.

A group of Nigerian schoolboys are seen walking in a line, barefoot, after being freed following a kidnapping.

April 6, 2020

Sub-Saharan Africa
Trump’s Africa Policy Is Better Than It Looks

The Trump administration has largely continued U.S. policies in Africa aimed at building economic ties, political stability, and health care, but it lacks a strategy for the continent’s looming geopo…

August 10, 2020

Nigeria Security Tracker Weekly Update: August 1-7

This update represents violence in Nigeria and related to Boko Haram in Cameroon, Chad, and Niger from August 1 to 7, 2020.

Map of Nigeria shaded in red to reflect Nigeria Security Tracker-documented deaths per state. Borno state, the northeastern-most state, is dark red, while the rest of the country are shades of pink.