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January 31, 2020

Nigerian House of Representatives Calls for Removal of Military Service Chiefs

On January 29, the Nigerian House of Representatives passed a resolution calling on all of the military service chiefs to resign. If they do not, the resolution called on President Muhammadu Buhari to fire them. Earlier, the Senate had also expressed the view that the service chiefs had to go. The House motion appears to be more formal than the Senate’s action. However, both reflect frustration at the resurgence of Boko Haram in the northeast.

 President Mohammadu Buhari poses with Nigeria's senior military officers during the Army Day celebration in Dansadau, northwest Nigerian Zamfara State, on July 13, 2016.

January 28, 2021

Biden Administration Sends Important Signals for the Future of U.S.-Taiwan Ties

Following Joe Biden’s election as the forty-sixth president of the United States, many people in Taiwan feared that U.S.-Taiwan relations would suffer. According to one poll conducted prior to the pr…

A F-CK-1 Ching-kuo Indigenous Defence Fighter (IDF) is seen at an Air Force base in Tainan, Taiwan, on January 26, 2021.

June 29, 2021

South Africa
Zuma’s Arrest is Good News for the Rule of Law in South Africa

South Africa's Constitutional Court has sentenced former President Jacob Zuma to fifteen months in prison for defying a court order to appear before the Zondo Commission, which is investigating charges of corruption during Zuma’s 2009-2018 presidency. As the court is the highest in the land, Zuma cannot appeal.

A picture of former South African President Jacob Zuma sitting in a courtroom during a trial on his involvement in corruption. He is wearing a facemask, situated on his chin, due to the country's ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.

January 29, 2020

Perceptions of Corruption in Nigeria Remain High, According to NGO

Transparency International (TI) has issued its Corruption Perceptions Index. As in previous years, its citizens and a selection of international organizations perceive Nigeria as one of Africa’s most corrupt countries. Nigeria’s ranking—146 out of 180 countries surveyed worldwide—is little changed from years past.

The sign of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), one of Nigeria's primary anti-corruption agencies, in Lagos, Nigeria, on October 3, 2016.

June 25, 2019

The Potential U.S. Ambassadors to Nigeria and South Africa

Nigeria and South Africa have been the two African countries of greatest strategic importance to the United States. They are the two largest economies on the continent, and a major venue for U.S. investment. Historically, the United States and Nigeria have cooperated on African issues of mutual concern.

US Representative to the African Union Mary Beth Leonard looks on during a joint press conference with Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and US ambassador to Ethiopia at the US Embassy in Addis Ababa, on November 30, 2018