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October 12, 2021

United States
Corporate Taxes in a Globalized World

A group of more than one hundred countries has agreed to a historic rewrite of global tax rules. Here’s what to know.

Group of Seven (G7) finance ministers pose for a photo during a meeting in London in June 2021.

May 26, 2016

United States
Measuring Mexico’s Social Cohesion

Social cohesion, or the strength of a country’s social fabric, is often raised in discussions of security. The World Bank describes it as “fundamental for societies to progress towards development go…

Social Cohesion in Mexico - LAM

March 22, 2022

Sub-Saharan Africa
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine May Drive a Wedge Between the West and Africa

The apparent reluctance of many African countries to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caught many Western governments, diplomatic experts, and observers of Africa’s international relations by surprise. Although twenty-eight African countries voted in favor of the March 2, 2022, UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution demanding that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders,” notably, seventeen African nations abstained while no votes were recorded from another eight. Unsurprisingly, Eritrea, whose leader Isaias Afwerki enjoys a close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and who has long staked out an anti-Western diplomatic stance, joined Belarus, North Korea, Russia, and Syria in voting against the resolution. In total, 141 (out of 194) UN member states endorsed the resolution.

United States Ambassador to the United Nations wearing a red jacket speaks into a microphone while seated at the United Nations.

December 5, 2011

North Korea
When Will Secretary Clinton Visit Pyongyang?

U.S. secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton and former U.S. secretary of defense Robert M. Gates brief reporters at the Truce Village in Panmunjom, South Korea, on July 21, 2010 (Courtesy State De…

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates brief reporters at the Truce Village in Panmunjom, South Korea, on July 21, 2010 (Courtesy State Department).