3,582 Results for:

June 15, 2023

United States
The History and Future of the Federal Reserve’s 2 Percent Target Rate of Inflation

The Federal Reserve’s 2 percent target rate of inflation is not strictly empirically derived. Should it modify this target moving forward?

Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Jerome H. Powell participates in a panel during the Central Bank Symposium in Stockholm, Sweden.

February 6, 2020

Why Can’t Central America Curb Corruption?

Pervasive corruption has long stymied development and fueled emigration from some of Central America’s poorest countries. The recent disbanding of antigraft commissions makes their prospects for refo…

January 24, 2011

Charter Cities: New Options for the Bottom Billion

Economist Paul Romer describes the concept for charter cities as “special reform zones that allow governments to quickly adopt innovative new systems of rules,” in order to “create opportunities for …


June 6, 2006

Wars and Conflict
What Happens Now on Haditha Investigation

Allegations of a murderous rampage by U.S. Marines directed at civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha, as well as a possible cover-up by military officials, may further damage the U.S. image abroad. …

April 21, 2006

The World Bank and Corruption

A decade after the World Bank mounted its first anticorruption campaign, the impact appears to have been minimal. Paul Wolfowitz, the bank’s new president, is seeking to reinvigorate the effort. But …