754 Results for:

October 28, 2016

Bringing International Pressure To Bear on Nicolás Maduro

[This post was co-authored with John Polga-Hecimovich*. It is the third of a series that begins with this post.] The collapse in Venezuela has many potential costs: democratic regression in Latin Am…


October 21, 2011

Tunisia at the Crossroads

Tunisians triggered the first of the Arab world upheavals, but can they sustain support for democratic changes? CFR’s Victoria Taylor says the elections for a constitutional assembly will test Tunisi…

August 10, 2016

A Game of Inches: The Uncertain Fight Against Corruption in Latin America

Harvard’s inimitable Matthew Stephenson this week published a thought-provoking blog post comparing anticorruption efforts in Asia and Latin America. Crudely summarizing Stephenson’s argument, a few …

A Game of Inches The Uncertain Fight Against Corruption in Latin America - LAM

July 21, 2016

Corruption, Politics, and Corporate Transparency in Latin America

It is Latin America’s anticorruption season. Deep beneath the waves of revulsion about scandal, graft, and the general filthiness of local politics has been a profound concern with democracy. In part…

Corruption, Politics, and Corporate Transparency in Latin America - LAM

July 7, 2016

Venezuela’s Woes Reach Mercosur

Mercosur is under considerable internal strain. As at other times in the trade bloc’s history, shifting political winds and changing trade priorities have placed the member countries at loggerheads. …

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro stands in front of an image depicting the country's late President Hugo Chavez during a meeting with members of Venezuela's United Socialist Party (PSUV) in Caracas