754 Results for:

April 28, 2016

Rousseff’s Impeachment: What’s Next for Brazil?

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment, if it moves forward, will not bring political stability but raise a new set of challenges, says CFR’s Matthew Taylor.

April 3, 2017

International Pressure on the Maduro Regime

The Venezuelan constitutional chamber’s decision last week to dissolve the National Assembly has made it abundantly clear that Maduro’s Venezuela is an authoritarian regime. The judiciary is at the b…

December 27, 2016

United States
The Odebrecht Settlement and the Costs of Corruption

It is hard to overstate the meaning of the settlement announced by U.S. authorities on December 21 with Odebrecht. Under this "largest-ever global foreign bribery resolution,"[1] the construction gia…

A sign of the Odebrecht SA construction conglomerate is pictured in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February 26, 2016 (Reuters/Ricardo Moraes).

October 28, 2016

Three Factors Driving Venezuela’s Impasse

[This post was co-authored with John Polga-Hecimovich*] The increasingly dangerous crisis in Venezuela (described in the first post of this series), has been complicated by the political economy o…


October 21, 2016

United States
Corruption, FATCA, and the Tightening Dragnet Around Brazilian Offshore Accounts

The Brazilian Federal Revenue Secretariat (SRF) has some good news to cheer: a big haul of fines and taxes from assets held offshore by Brazilians. The deadline for filing under Brazil’s equivalent o…

Replicas of R$100,00 banknotes are hung on a clothesline during a protest of the national union of prosecutors against money laundering in Brazil, at the Esplanade of Ministries in Brasilia