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July 24, 2013

What’s Happening in Latin America

Ably led by Marty Moss-Coane, host of Philadelphia’s Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane, Cynthia Arnson, director of the Latin American Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center, and I had a …

March 22, 2023

Latin America
Academic Webinar: U.S. Relations With South America

Brian Winter, vice president of policy at Americas Society and Council of the Americas and editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly, leads the conversation on U.S. relations with South America. CASA:…

Play Satellite Image of Earth

March 19, 2015

Latin America’s Middle-Income Trap

In 2014, GDP growth in the region slowed to less than 1 percent. Expectations for 2015 are just slightly better, with forecasters predicting growth of nearer to 2 percent. The downturn reflects exter…

May 15, 2012

Latin America’s Economic Outlook

The recent IMF economic outlook report entitled, “The Western Hemisphere: Rebuilding Strength and Flexibility,” is overall quite bullish on the region. Fueled by favorable commodity prices and plenti…

IMF- Latin America's Moment

January 21, 2010

Obama and the World: Latin America

Last night Chris Sabatini from the Council of the Americas and I joined Martin Savidge on WorldFocus to discuss the Obama administration’s policy toward Latin America. The conversation focused on nat…

April 6, 2021

Democracy Tested: Democratic Backsliding in Latin America, With Steven Levitsky

In this special series of The President’s Inbox on the future of democracy, James M. Lindsay speaks with experts to discuss whether and where democratic governance is faltering around the world. This…

Podcast Demonstrators from various social movements protest against democracy and against the right-wing presidential candidate for Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, on Paulista Avenue in the city of Sao Paulo. October 20, 2018.