28,653 Results for:

May 16, 2017

The Politics of Latin America’s Middle Income Trap

Many of Latin America’s largest economies are stuck in the so-called “middle-income trap,” with slowing productivity growth making it unlikely that they will catch up to the top global economies in t…

Empty Classroom in Buenos Aires

December 4, 2018

Women and Women's Rights
The Economic Costs of Gender-Based Violence in Latin America

Research indicates that gender-based violence costs the world approximately $1.5 trillion a year, but governments have struggled to address it. Though Latin America has made significant progress in e…

Podcast An activist carries a cross during a march to mark International Women's Day in Nicaragua on March 8, 2018.The banner reads "Not one more. No more violence against women."

April 8, 2015

Hitting the Restart on U.S.-Latin America Ties

The U.S.-Cuba rapprochement means that leaders at the upcoming Summit of the Americas can focus less on regional tensions and more on issues such as trade, immigration, and security, says CFR’s Shann…

October 3, 2012

Latin America’s Growing Social Network

In 2000 only 8 million Latin Americans were active online. Today that number has ballooned to 129 million regular users—more than a 1000 percent increase—with almost all (127 million) signing in to t…

Social Network - LAM

July 16, 2013

Will Snowden Come Between the U.S. and Latin America?

Recent revelations about U.S. surveillance activities in Latin America have provoked a range of negative responses from regional leaders, but the practical consequences will be marginal, says expert …