442 Results for:

July 19, 2023

Food and Water Security
Russia Killed the Black Sea Grain Deal. These Countries Could Suffer Most. 

Moscow’s exit from the deal generated alarm in a number of populous lower-income countries dependent on Ukrainian grain.

October 28, 2013

Technology's Humanitarian Purposes

Laura Walker Hudson and Patrick Meier discuss the application and innovation of technology for rapid humanitarian response.


June 26, 2017

New Cyber Brief: Reforming the U.S. Section 702 Intelligence Program

Laura K. Donohue argues that section 702 of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act is an important tool in the intelligence community’s arsenal, but that it should be amended to br…


June 1, 2022

Deal or No Deal: Update on Iran’s Nuclear Program

Our panelists discussed the Biden administration’s ongoing negotiations to rejoin the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) following the Trump administration’s 2018 withdrawal, and the role of …

Play Image of Iranian flag outside of Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant