366 Results for:

April 29, 2021

Transition 2021 Series: U.S.-Saudi Relations: Where Do We Go From Here?

Panelists discuss the future of the U.S.-Saudi relationship under the Biden administration and its implications for American foreign policy in the Middle East. The Transition 2021 series examines …

Play U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during his visit to the country, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

April 20, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Why Europe Can’t Bring Peace to the Middle East

Lady Catherine Ashton, the EU’s top foreign policy official, has received a remarkable letter from the "European Eminent Persons Group on the Middle East Peace Process." This self-selected collectivi…

November 5, 2020

Election 2020
Election Security 2020

In the weeks leading up to the 2020 election, technology firms and the U.S. government took steps to prevent and combat election interference in cyberspace. Nonetheless, there were still a handful of…

U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden are reflected in the plexiglass protecting a TV camera operator from coronavirus as they participate in their second 2020 presidential campaign debate.

July 29, 2020

Protecting U.S. Elections

Please join our panelists as they discuss threats to conducting a fair U.S. presidential election in November, including foreign interference, voter suppression, and the health risks of voting in-per…

Play Voters stand in voting booths while casting ballots in the New Hampshire U.S. presidential primary election in Manchester, New Hampshire.

August 18, 2020

Conflict Prevention
Peace, Conflict, and COVID-19

The Center for Preventive Action has created this resource for those seeking information and analysis about the effects of COVID-19 on peace and conflict.

Three men wearing protective clothing and masks--two of whom have guns--stand guard in front of cars parked in the middle of a debris-ridden street during a twenty-four hour curfew in Sanaa, Yemen, on May 6, 2020.