565 Results for:

March 22, 2007

WTO Trade Rules Benefit the United States, Says New Council Report

The Doha negotiations have stalled and the November elections in the United States showed that advocates of economic nationalism are growing in strength. Nevertheless, a new Council Special Report ma…

January 27, 2014

Fossil Fuels
Energy Independence Won’t Slash the Trade Deficit: Study

Most things about the U.S. oil and gas boom are controversial, but one consequence seems pretty widely agreed: as the United States cuts its oil imports, its trade deficit will fall, solidifying the …

October 17, 2014

Political Movements
Weekend Reading: The Artful Arab Spring, Disillusionment in Sidi Bouzid, and Rethinking Fragmented States

St. Lawrence University offers an interactive look at the Arab uprisings through the lens of graffiti art. Michael Marcusa examines the revolutionary spirit of the youth of Sidi Bouzid three-and-a-h…


September 20, 2021

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
What’s Next for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?

Though President Trump withdrew from the TPP, the remaining members of the trade pact have forged ahead with a new version, leaving the U.S. role in the Asia-Pacific in question.

Remaining members of the TPP gather at the signing agreement ceremony in Santiago, Chile, in March 2018.

February 23, 2022

Crisis in Ukraine

President Vladimir Putin of Russia recognized the independence of two territories in eastern Ukraine, portions of which are controlled by Russia-backed separatists, and has ordered the deployment of …

Play Ukrainian soldiers ride on three green tanks during tactical drills at an open field in Ukraine.