909 Results for:

August 4, 2023

Chevron, the Biden Administration, and the Maduro Regime

Concessions to the Maduro regime in Venezuela have permitted Chevron to produce more oil there, but have brought only more repression. 

September 11, 2014

The World Next Week: September 11, 2014

The president of Ukraine travels to the White House; Scotland prepares for a referendum on independence; and Sierra Leone enacts a curfew due to Ebola.


September 20, 2011

Sierra Leone
A Conversation with Ernest Bai Koroma and Alassane Ouattara

Ernest Bai Koroma, president of Sierra Leone, and Alassane Ouattara, president of Côted'Ivoire, discuss the post-conflict growth of their respective countries, as well as their individual involvement…


September 20, 2011

Sierra Leone
A Conversation with Ernest Bai Koroma and Alassane Ouattara

This meeting is cosponsored with the Africa-America Institute.Please join the Presidents of Côte d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone as they discuss the challenges of post-conflict governance in Africa.Related…


September 21, 2023

United States
What Is Temporary Protected Status?

Temporary protected status has long been used as a humanitarian solution for migrants who are unable to return home safely, but efforts to give them a path to citizenship have reignited the debate ar…

National TPS Alliance supporters participate in a rally at the U.S. Capitol in September 2020.

March 14, 2012

Wonk Writing Today

In his excellent book published in 1999, Disarming Strangers: Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea, Leon Sigal chronicles the Clinton administration’s confrontation with Pyongyang over its nuclear prog…

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